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Borewell point identification can be done very accurately by using our most modern ground water detector
Knowing the amount of underGround water in advance helps us to find the location with the most water potential aquifers in a field
Having the depth and amount of underground water required to dig a well helps you to anticipate the amount of money required to dig a well
Ground water sensing equipment named Fresh result from GER is the best German made underground water detector, with ease of use, small in size and gives high accuracy. Let’s see what are the other features of this ground water detector machine
The LPS-1200 is the first scientific system to collect data from the field via a host using specialized software for data collection, input and report creation, and provide live magneto impedance variation data.
FOR Location ANALYSIS of aqifers
Geo-electrical mapping ( resistivity meter ) : This device allows us to understand the geographical and hydrological variations up to a depth of 500 m, and we obtain a fully automatic mapping after the sample data is collected. This device breaks down the traditional electrical prospecting exploration method
Let’s see what can be seen from the sample of underground graph given below
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